
7 thoughts on “Rubrik Backup Service Windows Host Install Walkthrough

  1. Can you add the actual ports needed for rbs as well? Ports need to be opened at firewall devices also. Thank you

    1. This is installed on the individual VM. If you want to manage from the host level, you can connect the CDM to the Hyper-V Manager and then you will be able to see the list of VMs and add them to your SLA.

  2. Looks like a great script, nice work! We’re considering using something similar, but with the specific need to push out the install with the RBS “run as” service account pre-defined so it doesn’t need to be changed after the install (so that it is not using the local system account to run the service). Is this something that could be possible using this method?

  3. Hello,

    Having an issue when adding new VMs with the same identity error. Multiple servers are being added at once.

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