PowerCLI: Import-vApp OVA: Hostname cannot be parsed. Uncategorized PowerCLI: Import-vApp OVA: Hostname cannot be parsed. Keiran Shelden 2018-04-09 13 The other day I was rebuilding my lab using William Lam’s vGhetto vSphere Automated Lab Deployment script...Read More
Configure PowerCLI and PowerNSX on macOS Uncategorized Configure PowerCLI and PowerNSX on macOS Keiran Shelden 2018-04-06 A couple of months back, PowerShell Core on Mac and Linux became mainstream after success of its...Read More
PowerCLI migrate vSwitch port groups to vDS in a different vCenter Uncategorized PowerCLI migrate vSwitch port groups to vDS in a different vCenter Keiran Shelden 2017-11-02 Over the 6 months I have been working hard on designing and implementing our latest infrastructure refresh...Read More